Celebrating Atlanta’s photographers.

AR Phoenix Experience

My Role

Creative Direction, Storyboarding, 3D Modeling, Experience Design, Print Production, UI Design, Augmented Reality Design

Project Description

This project aimed to create an immersive and engaging experience that celebrated the work of local Atlanta artists and encouraged visitors to explore and engage with their artwork in new and exciting ways. The project required a team of experienced developers, designers, and artists to bring it to life, but the end result was a unique and unforgettable experience that highlighted the creativity and talent of Atlanta's local art scene.

The big idea.

We had an enormous wall that we could cover with a print mural that could be used to trigger an AR. To begin, I created a mockup that showcased the depth of the experience and how the aesthetic would translate from print to digital, knowing that the physical mural would need to “come to life” in some way.

With that, I created a storyboard to walk the client through the basic experience flow to begin development.

Polish from the start.

Making this feel seamless and highly polished was a major design decision from the start. After fully storyboarding, we began prototyping the base interactions and focused on the facet motif with a shatter effect. A quick motion study sufficed to get the team aligned on this aesthetic.

The mural.

This was an interesting process as the development team was working on the base interactivity while I was creating the finalized mural artwork.

In order to help them be most efficient, I designed the mural in a way that the same vector data used for the mural could be used for the 3D modeling. This saved us a lot of time on any iterations that may happen in the future.

If you build it,
it’ll be rad.

There are few things better than unveiling an experience to a partner and having their jaws drop with excitement. Experiencing this at the scale of the 15’ mural creates rather deep immersion because of spatial awareness.

Needless to say, our partners were very happy with the end result.


BlueLinx - Branding/Web


Atlanta Beltline - Branding