Your local printing partner.

Gerald Printing

My Role

Light Branding, Stylescapes, Creative Direction, Logo Design

Project Description

Started in 1971, Gerald Printing is a printing partner that provides services to businesses in mainly rural areas. As their business has grown they had a desire to update their brand and more clearly define their products and offerings. For a quick turnaround project, we helped establish simple brand guidelines for internal use though a few stylescapes.

Modernizing the brand.

Knowing that the current logo and name had history and recognition (and that the client might actually be changing names soon) I decided to create a few options that explore a variety of themes for different business directions.

This first option explored a more boutique and elegant style — focusing on print quality and sophisticated design compositions. I created a new logo to sell the vision of a more sophisticated and luxurious brand.

This second option explored a similar feel but swapped the softer blue brand color for a high contrast black. The color shift also allowed for a CMYK print process motif that included print and bleed marks.

This third option kept the colors close to what currently existed, but drove more meaning and intent to how they were used by eliminating non-compliant colors and consolidating multiple tints and/or shades. The is the design that the client chose to proceed with as it felt familiar but more professional in its execution.


Atlanta Children's Day Shelter - Branding


Impractical Jokers - Game