A tasty, best-in-class purchase experience.

Honey Baked Ham

My Role

Creative Direction, UI Design, Team Lead, Animation, Motion Study, Design System

Project Description

As the lead designer for the Honey Baked Ham website redesign project, I oversaw the creation of a mobile-first design system that leveraged the client's stunning product photography to enhance the user experience and drive online and in-store purchases. Our team was tasked with revamping the website's design to make it more user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for mobile devices. We focused on creating a consistent, easy-to-use design system that emphasized the quality of Honey Baked Ham's products and made the online purchasing process as seamless as possible.

Mobile first.

One of the biggest challenges we faced was organizing the content in a way that was intuitive and easy to navigate. We worked closely with the client to understand their customers' needs and preferences, and used this information to create a streamlined user experience. We also focused on making the purchasing process as frictionless as possible, with clear calls to action and a user-friendly checkout process.

Looking delicious.

Our design approach was centered around the client's product photography. We recognized that Honey Baked Ham's food images were incredibly beautiful and evocative, so we made sure to prominently feature them throughout the website.

Delight is in the details.

We also created motion studies for elements like the menu navigation. These motion studies were designed to enhance the user experience and create a more premium feel for the site.


The Cube - Game


Little Broken Robots - Game