Connecting an audience though exploration.

Above & Beyond

My Role

Product Strategy, UX Design, Creative Direction, UI Design, Graphic Design, Motion Design

Project Description

The Coca-Cola Corporation (TCCC) approached us with a need for a product that would engage over 500 users while on site at a corporate event. Their initial concepts held the vision, but lacked the interactions that would encourage connection and retention. With a very short development period of only two weeks, I got to work creating the new concept and creating high fidelity wireframes. After meeting with numerous stakeholders and pitching the idea, the client loved the concept and we went into production.

The turnaround on this was one of the quickest I’ve ever experienced, but the end result was simple, elegant and left the client with nothing but positive things to say about the way that user’s engaged with the product.

Encouraging connection.

The concept revolved around multiple scannable QR codes that would be accessible during the event. Scanning codes unlocked themed medallions across different categories and leveled them up from Bronze to Platinum.

No time, no backend.

Since we wouldn’t be able to build and QA an entire backend, all of the user’s data was stored locally in their browser. The user was asked to provide their basic employee information which generated a custom Social QR code that could be shared with other evet attendees. On their home page, they got access to the different categories as well as a total number of codes scanned to redeem for real prizes.

Add the delight.

All-in-all, there isn’t much complexity to the experience we developed. We spent a bit of time making earning a medallion feel more substantial by adding in animations that would play when a medallion was unlocked, as well as leveled up.

After the event.

Users who had collected contact information from different attendees can easily revisit their connections and continue their conversations. This feature was widely utilized during the event and allowed for strategic partnerships between disciplines to be formed.


TKE Portal - Web/Analytics