A monitoring system for every need.

TKE Portal

My Role

Creative Direction, UI Design, Team Lead, Design System

Project Description

TKE returned to us with yet another design challenge — designing a dashboard monitoring system to surveil over 1.4M elevator and escalator units worldwide. Our task was to create a rich experience that created a clear hierarchy of information in order to display all of the data points that a users might see. That consideration included things like a user’s number of locations, total number of units, and current unit operating status.

Easy to use.

This was an enormous undertaking on the strategic side of things. The majority of the effort on this project went into considering the numerous use cases for a dashboard like this, as well as all of the possible states for data to show.

Making it accessible.

In addition the the core dashboard functionality, this product needed certain features to be accessible on mobile. Some functionality was far too dense for a mobile experience so those features were either removed or redesigned.


TCCC - Above & Beyond - Web


Flipit - Video