A goofy puzzle prototype.

Tumble Totem

My Role

3D Modeling, Concept Art, Game Design, Prototyping

Project Description

Tumble Totem is a quick prototype that I worked on with another developer. We only prototyped it but the design is near and dear to my heart. The core mechanics of rotating and flipping are simple and I wanted to apply a goofy aesthetic to evoke some emotion and make the puzzle assets feel alive. Thus, the simple characters were designed.

A quick sketch.

It all started with a quick sketch that made everyone laugh which gave me confidence that this was the right direction.

A delightful prototype.

Yep, that’s a tongue-in-mouth thing happening. During development I pushed the style a bight more bright and vibrant in order to create something more playful and goofy. I love where it ended up.


Zuzu - Pokémon Card


Pokémon - HD Logos